Become a Wootton Booster Club Sponsor
Become a Wootton Booster Club Sponsor ($1,300.00 one year or $2300 for two years):
All-Weather signage mounted to the upper section of the stadium with full exposure to Wootton High School, the Parking lot and Wootton Parkway.
Solvent ink print on adhesive vinyl, mounted to Coroplast 60” x 60” 6 mil. (Next Day Sign Express)
Link your web site and promotion on Wootton Booster Club website.
Cost of sign to be paid for by Wootton Booster Club
Term: One or two year from date the sign is hung.
Your company will receive announcements during all home football games by the play by play announcer.
Please contact our signage chair Michael Schwartz prior to purchasing a sign to discuss details and preferred location in the stadium.